Required Supplies (brought to each lesson): reed soaker cup, notebook, oboe, reeds. A metronome at home is also required.
Policies -
24 hours notice is required to cancel a lesson.If a cancellation takes place within 24 hours of the lesson, you will still be charged for that lesson.
A make-up lesson is permitted as long as it takes place within four weeks of the missed lesson date. If an agreeable make-up lesson time is not found within that interval, the payment will be deemed a “missed lesson fee.”
Payment is due at the beginning of each lesson. If payment is forgotten, the lesson will not take place but you will still be charged. This counts as a cancelled lesson without 24 hours notice.
I no longer accept Cash as a payment option for lessons. I do accept Chase QuickPay, Venmo or Check.
I need one week's notice (minimum) to provide you with reeds for the following week. Reeds are $17.00 each, due upon receiving of reed. Orders can also be placed through
Open communication is critical. I will work hard to keep you in the loop of changing schedules, vacations and other situations, please do the same for me.
General Lesson Objectives -
The oboe is a very challenging yet rewarding instrument. The object of lessons is to receive experienced guidance down the path of each student’s personal development with this instrument. Patience, persistence, and practice are vital components to making this fruitful as well as enjoyable!
Reeds- Reeds are an essential and critical component to the oboe. If reeds are not taken care of, playing the oboe can become impossible. Having said this, reeds do not last forever. While they can be pricy, reeds typically will not last more than a month. Each student should have at least two reeds on hand, in case one breaks or cracks. These are an essential component to the instrument, if they don’t work, the oboe won’t work. Factory made reeds (ie: Jones) can often be more expensive (or comparable) than better, quality handmade reeds, so I would encourage staying away from them. Other than myself, here is a list of good handmade reed vendors that will give you a few options. I’m also very capable of making adjustments to each student’s reeds, which can help lengthen their life and work better for each individual. Reeds can be a hassle, but such is the life of an oboe player…
Lessons- Private lessons are supplemental to band and are meant to help the students excel in band class; but they are also separate from band and require their own practice time to prepare material that we are working on specifically within lessons.
You read it! You reached the end!
Now complete the Policies Agreement below before we start lessons together. There is one for students and for parents. This is required.